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INFINITE CAMPUS Password Reset Form

To help speed up the process of password resets for Infinite Campus accounts, students and parents/guardians may now fill out this password request form:

STUDENTS: Password resets will be sent to your McKinley Gmail. If you do not have access to your McKinley Google account, please come to room G1 after school with your Student ID.

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Password resets will be sent to the email address we have on file. If you need to update your email address, you (or your student) may update it through the Registrar's Office in A124.

ACCESS CODES: If you are registering for a Parent Account for the first time and require an access code, you may request one from your student's counselor or the Registrar's Office in A124.

1039 S. King St

Honolulu, HI 96814

(808) 594-0400

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